An authentic designer handbag is a very special product. If you take the time to hunt down the perfect hand bag then you should also invest the time to make certain that the handbag that you are buying is authentic. There's really no sense in spending a lot of money on something that is an imitation.
Imitations (also known as knock offs) are prevalent. From the streets of New York City to the auction websites on the internet, people are selling knock offs of famous designer handbags and attempting to tell shoppers that they are authentic. There are a few guidelines for distinguishing an real designer bag from a copy, however.
No matter what type of designer handbag you are buying there are few things that you ought to look for that indicate that the particular bag that you are inspecting is genuine.
1. Educate Yourself. Visit a well respected website or store and carefully examine both the handbag and the method in which it is packaged. Then you can begin shopping around for the best deal on a genuine bag. You will know that if you find a good deal but the handbag doesn't have the same markings, packaging or quality craftsmanship then you are likely looking at a knock off.
2. Things to Look For. Pay attention to the colors and make sure that they are exactly the same as the ones on the bag you know to be genuine. Also pay attention to details such as how the seams meet to make sure that the handbag was made according to the designer's high standards. Also, make sure that the bag is made of real leather. Fine designers do not make leather bags out of anything but authentic, high quality leather.
3. Specific Things to Look For. Every designer has a one of a kind way of marking his or her products. Some of them have special markings on the leather and others have it on the hardware. If the designer, such as Coach or Louis Vuitton, use their initials on the outside of the handbag then make sure that the letters are precisely the same as they are on a bag that is known to be authentic.
4. authenticity Cards. Most designer bags come with real cards. However, some sellers of replica handbags have found ways to duplicate these cards. If there is an genuine number or other unique identification it may be worth verifying the number with the design company.
5. Packaging. Most designer handbags come in a dust bag and with specific care cards. These are easily obtainable and not proof of an authentic handbag. But, if your bag does not come with them then it is probably proof that your bag is a knock off and that it is not authentic.
So, take the time and do a little research before you purchase your next designer bag to ensure that you are not spending a lot of money on a fake bag and that you investing in an authentic designer handbag.
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